Join us in our newly renovated Sunday School rooms. Our dedicated Sunday School teachers renovated our 3 Sunday school rooms by cleaning, painting and replacing the toys and art supplies. Ebenezer United Church has a dedicated nursery with age-appropriate toys and rocking chairs, a children's room with age-appropriate toys and games, and a dedicated art room for crafts.
Sunday School is an important part of our worship, spiritual and community life at Ebenezer United Church. We follow a free online curriculum with Truway Kids. They offer lessons for a variety of age-groups through stories, videos, games and crafts.
The children start their Sunday by joining worship until “A time to be with children” with Reverend Nancy,where she shares an anecdote with them about the topic of the day. Then, the children are escorted downstairs where an age-appropriate lesson will be shared with them followed by a craft. Share Sunday takes place on the last Sunday of each month September to June. At this service the children collect the gifts that are later delivered to the Bowmanville Salvation Army. We also conduct the White Gift Service in early December and the Sunday School Anniversary Service in June. It is our intent to provide a biblical basis on which our children can grow in faith, make connections with others, and have fun while becoming active members of our church community. You are invited to join us beginning upstairs in the sanctuary at 10:00am and then downstairs for the remainder of the hour.